Alumni Night 2018が開催される

As we did in 2016, we once again welcomed Foster MBA students in Tokyo as part of the Asian Capital Management class.  On March 20, 2018, Professor Stephan Siegel and Associate Director Krista Peterson escorted a group of 20 FT and Evening MBAs on a ten-day tour beginning in Beijing and ending in Tokyo. We hosted an alumni/student dinner in a Japanese izakaya style restaurant much like the event we had last time two years ago. The students very much enjoyed the Japanese-style dinner and the interaction with the Japanese MBA alumni.


来秋はInternational Alumni Weekendが東京で開催され、アジア各国のUW卒業生も参加する予定です(今年は北京で開催)。当同窓会はこのイベントに全面的に協力しますので、来年の総会はさらに盛大なものになると思います。どうぞご期待ください。